Sunday, December 28, 2008

BLG Health -Medical Causes of Hypothyroidism

Medical Causes of Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is caused by varied causes.

It could stem from a singular cause or a
mixture of various causes such as
complications arising from thyroid gland
diseases, afflicted brain activities,
exposure to medical treatments, and
autoimmune disorders.

It is common knowledge that hypothyroidism
can arise from a chronic thyroid disease
known as Hashiloto’s thyroiditis.

This ailment is characterized by thyroid
glands that are inflamed or enlarged.

This inflammation can be responsible for
the brutal damaging of the thyroid cells
if it is not attended to early enough and
on time.

The reason the thyroid cells are damaged is
because of the body’s antibodies attacking
the thyroid cells and tissues in the body
instead of functioning as a protector.

Certain diseases that are autoimmune may
even be responsible for hypothyroidism.

Examples of such autoimmune diseases are
diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Addison’s
disease, vitiligo, and anemia.

Exposure to various forms of medical
treatments can leave an individual lacking
adequate thyroxine in the body.

Treatments such as lithium, radioactive iodine
and surgery can be responsible as certain
research have proven. For instance,
someone who takes doses of lithium as
a form of treatment for manic depressive
disorder –a form of psychiatric disease-
is likely to develop hypothyroidism over
time as a result of th thyroid’s gland inability
to produce the hormone.

The production of this hormone in itself is
actually hindered by the presence of the
lithium in the body. Also, an individual
suffering from both goiter and hyperthyroidism
can be treated using radioactive iodine therapy.

This form of treatment is very likely to produce
symptoms of hypothyroidism and if not
stopped on time, will actually result in

The radioactive iodine is useful in the
hindering of the production of excessive

This is achieved by its getting rid of or
preventing the secretion of excess thyroid

The use of radioactive iodine is not a
bad idea in itself as it effectively eliminates
the production of too much thyroid

The thing with it is in its excessive application.

Because it functions by eliminating the
thyroid hormone-producing cells
which get rid of hyperthyroidism, it
has a tendency to also eliminate the
normal ones that will allow the production
of the normal hormone quantity.

Surgery can also be responsible for

Although in this case, most patients
have to choose between the lesser of
two evils: either death or the total or
partial removal of the thyroid gland.

For instance, a patient whose thyroid
gland cannot be saved or who has
cancer of the throat has to choose
between leaving the thyroid like that,
and getting rid of it. Therefore allowing
the individual’s thyroxine producing
capacity dwindle.

For more information visit:

Presented By   Larry Guzda

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

BLG Health-Increase Your Thyroid Function!

Increase Your Thyroid Function

Thyromine thyroid supplement has got a top formula for improving energy, motivation, metabolism, and helping weight loss.

Thousands of individuals have benefited from the effective nutrient combination in Thyromine.

It is designed to support the normal function of thyroid hormone at the cellular level and helps convert the inactive form of thyroid hormone (T4) into the active form (T3).

Millions Struggle with Sluggish Thyroid FunctionThyroid function is weakened by stress, pollution, poor lifestyle, bad eating habits, and a host of activities.

It is now proven that various nutrients directly support the healthy structure of the thyroid gland, the formation of thyroid hormone, and the activation of thyroid hormone throughout the body. These are all normal and natural functions that need to be properly maintained to support health.

New science is showing that free radical problems, especially when there are deficiencies of selenium and manganese containing antioxidant enzymes, stress thyroid hormone function. If these nutritional deficiencies are not corrected a person is more likely to struggle with body weight, insulin function, and poor metabolism.

Many individuals have symptoms of slow metabolism, including low body temperature, fatigue, weight gain, trouble losing weight and keeping it off, constipation, poor mood, heavy head, dry skin, and energy problems in the afternoon.

Thyromine offers significant nutritional support to help maintain the normal function of thyroid hormone.

Basic thyroid hormone, thyroxine, contains the amino acid tyrosine in the center, surrounded by four iodine molecules. This is known as T4. It is the hormone produced in the thyroid gland, but it is not biologically active.

Selenoproteins act in various ways to change T4 into T3 (active thyroid hormone). A lack of selenium significantly impairs the formation of thyroid hormone (T4) in the thyroid gland and activation of it to T3 throughout the body.

Thyromine works very well for people who have thyroid malfunctioning. L-Tyrosine, one of the most active natural ingredients of thyromine works to stimulate the metabolism.

Guglipid works to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Adrenal Powder from Bovine helps regulate your body's stress levels.

Piper Longum Extract increases the production of thyroid hormones and stimulates the immune system.

Finally, Ginger extract works to prevent blood clots and is used to treat digestive problems.

Using thyromine will normalize your thyroid function and you can escape from the distressful life.

For more information visit: BLG and check out Thyromine Thyroid Formula

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Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Monday, December 22, 2008

BLG Health-Cause of Hair Loss in Teens and Adults

Cause of Hair Loss in Teens and Adults

There are many causes of hair loss. Both men and women can and do loose hair.
It can be because of nutritional deficiency, hormone imbalance, stress, and diseases or naturally.
The amounts of loss vary by the cause

Generally the most common cause of hair loss is called adrogenetic alopecia. It is the medical term for hair loss or baldness.

Adrogenetic refers to the influence of androgens (male hormones), and genetic predisposition to balding can be the reason of such a hair loss.

The genetic facture is not that simple, as is also the case hair loss Mearly the presence of someone in your family balding is not enough to predict that you will also become bald. It is really hard to predict who will go bald and how fast will it be.

That is why planning for hair restoration will be very important for those people who gets alarmed about it.

Normally men and women produce androgenic hormones. Dihydrotestosterone, androsteinedione, testosterone (DHT) is the most common.

For men Testicles and adrenals are the one to produce it.

For women ovaries and adrenal glands are the production source.

These hormones are important for both sexes. But have different concentrations, and this is more predominant for males than females.

This in part, differentiates the genders. Exposure of hair follicles to DHT, in a susceptible person, in a period of time leads to male and female pattern to baldness or the so-called adrogenetic alopecia.

There is no exact age for balding occurrence. Balding is a PROCESS , simple, yet this fact is often ignored. This process can be slow or rapid.

It usually starts at late teens.

Illnesses and medical conditions are a prime cause of hair loss.

Conditions, such as thyroid disease and diabetes, can cause hair loss. Those people with liver and kidney diseases and lupus can also have baldness. Adult women and teen girls can have hair loss due to hormone imbalance in polycystic ovary syndrome.

Medications such as acne medicines can also cause hair loss. Amphetamines in diet pills ,and ,it is well known fact chemotherapy can result in varying degrees of hair loss..

Alopecia areata is a skin diseasethan causes hair loss on the scalp and sometimes on the body. It is an autoimmune disease. The immune system is the one to damage the hair follicles. Alopecia areata starts as small bald patches and can progress to total baldness.

Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder in which a person pulls his/her own hair that can also lead to hair loss.

Hair treatments and styling the hair gives tension to scalp and hair becomes damaged and leads to hair loss.

Nutrition is also one factor of baldness because of lack of protein, vitamins and minerals that sustains the hair.

Disruption of hair cycle growth is also a problem. Like delivering a baby, getting anesthesia, or having surgery.

Check out Provillus here

For more information visit:

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

BLG Health-Arthritis Treatments

Arthritis Treatments

Arthritis Treatment Overview

We use this title because not all arthritis treatment is, shall we say, enjoyable. If you suffer from the painful effects of this debilitating condition though, very little can seem worse.

The pain is often so severe that the simplest movements can cause anguish and even tears. But, there are treatments to help arthritis. Can they cure it? That is still to be seen, but many have shown to be effective in fighting off the pain.

First, there are many different types of arthritis. The causes of each will help to determine the treatment. But, here, we will talk mainly of the treatment options available and then those that are quite possibly the best at treating rheumatoid arthritis.

The symptoms of any arthritis start with pain. There is pain in the joints in a way that limits the amount of movement a person has. Now, remember, as well, that arthritis can strike any individual, not necessarily just older people.

So, if a child stops using a limb complaining of pain, a doctor should be seen. On top of this, if symptoms of pain are accompanied with fever a doctor should be seen immediately as this can be a sign of a deadlier arthritis known as septic arthritis.

In all cases, arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. The problem in rheumatoid arthritis is that, in trying to deal with the inflammation, the immune system ends up attacking the cartilage in the joints. The end result is pain and lessened use of the effected joint.

In order to stop this process, arthritis treatments can be anything from surgery to medications.

There are some good notes about medications, but in the end, they can not resolve the entire problem, and only mask the pain for a while.

Surgery is invasive and costly.

Physical treatment is available and has shown good progress in helping some patients.

There are also herbal remedies that have shown good signs of helping as well. There is one product that we would like to mention in a little more detail. What is so unique about this product, though, is that it is a natural treatment that can be taken orally.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in particular, collagen type II can be just as good as a cure to some individuals. This natural substance is actually a main component of cartilage itself. But, no injections are needed because this is an oral treatment. You will take a pill, in other words.

There are many reasons why this medication works including the fact that it has an absorption rate of 70 to 90 percent. This means more of it is used and fewer doses are needed. There are other reasons why it works so well.

For instance, the immune system has a component of cells in the intestine called the GALT.

This is where proteins are recognized as food or “friend” and therefore not treated as allergies or sensitivities by the digestive system. When collagen type II is ingested, the GALT recognizes this amino acid as a friendly protein.

This action switches off the immune system’s attack on collagen elsewhere in the body as in arthritic joints. Instead of the immune system fighting the inflammation and destroying the remaining good material, the Galt simply tells it to stop. And, probably the most important aspect of this natural arthritis treatment is that it can also help to rebuild the damaged and destroyed cartilage.

A natural solution could be Joint Advanced Formula and or Eazol Pain Relief

The combination of these two factors can help to restore a normal way of life.

For more information visit

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

BLG Health-What is Chondroitin sulfate ?

What is Chondroitin sulfate ?

Many forms of joint pain are directly related to a deficiency of healthy cartilage in the joints. The cartilage that lubricates and cushions the joints of the body experiences wear and tear on a daily basis. In healthy joints, wear and tear is repaired via a biological balancing process. In order to keep joints healthy, damaged cartilage is constantly being removed through the enzymatic deconstruction and replaced via new cartilage synthesis. This balance is crucial to good joint health.

As many people and animals age, their bodies progressively loose the ability to synthesize the glycosaminoglycans necessary to synthesize the new cartilage tissues needed to repair injuries and everyday wear and tear.

Durring times of stress (such as injury) or disease (i.e. certain forms of arthritis) the deconstructive enzymes in the joints may attack healthy cartilage or compete against new cartilage synthesis.

Where does it come from?

While Chondroitin Sulfate is found in the cartilaginous tissues of many invertebrates, the Chondroitin Sulfate utilized in health food supplements is usually derived from Cattle, Pigs, or Sharks.

What source is best?

When good quality materials are compared, it is believed that the source of the material has little to do with its effectiveness. Companies usually choose a material based upon varying economical, social and ethical standards.

For example, in markets where customers are especially sensitive to the issue of BSE - Mad Cow's Disease (such as certain European markets), a company may choose to utilize a shark material rather than one from a bovine source (cattle). On the other hand, Bovine material may be more appropriate for a customer that is interested in a material to satisfy a market that understands BSE and the precautions taken by companies such as IRMA Corporation to ensure product safety.

IRMA Corporation provides cartilage derived from several animal sources. Our representatives are prepared to answer questions regarding any other concerns and sensitivities that may arise.

Check out our Joint Formula here for more information

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Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

BLG Health-Nail Fungus Causes

Nail Fungus Causes

Fungi are microscopic organisms that don't need sunlight to survive. Some fungi have beneficial uses, while others cause illness and infection.

Nail fungal infections are typically caused by a fungus that belongs to a group of fungi called dermatophytes.

But yeasts and molds also can be responsible for nail fungal infections.

All of these microscopic organisms live in warm, moist environments, including swimming pools and showers.

They can invade your skin through tiny invisible cuts or through a small separation between your nail and nail bed.

They cause problems only if your nails are continually exposed to warmth and moisture — conditions perfect for the growth and spread of fungi.Infection with nail fungus occurs more in toenails than in fingernails because toenails are often confined in a dark, warm, moist environment inside your shoes — where fungi can thrive.

Another reason may be the diminished blood circulation to the toes as compared with the fingers, which makes it harder for your body's immune system to detect and eliminate the infection.

For more information visit and check out our natural solution.

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Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

BLG Health-What is Glucosamine?

What is Glucosamine?

Glucosamine is a natural compound that is found in healthy cartilage. Glucosamine sulfate is a normal constituent of glycoaminoglycans in cartilage matrix and synovial fluid.

Available evidence from randomized controlled trials supports the use of glucosamine sulfate in the treatment of osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee. It is believed that the sulfate moiety provides clinical benefit in the synovial fluid by strengthening cartilage and aiding glycosaminoglycan synthesis.

If this hypothesis is confirmed, it would mean that only the glucosamine sulfate form is effective and non-sulfated glucosamine forms are not effective.

Glucosamine is commonly taken in combination with chondroitin, a glycosaminoglycan derived from articular cartilage.

Use of complementary therapies, including glucosamine, is common in patients with osteoarthritis, and may allow for reduced doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

For more information visit: and check out our all natural product.

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Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Friday, December 5, 2008

BLG Health-Blood Pressure And You

Blood pressure

Blood pressure (strictly speaking: vascular pressure) refers to the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels, and constitutes one of the principal vital signs.

The pressure of the circulating blood decreases as blood moves through arteries, arterioles, capillaries, and veins; the term blood pressure generally refers to arterial pressure, i.e., the pressure in the larger arteries, arteries being the blood vessels which take blood away from the heart.

Arterial pressure is most commonly measured via a sphygmomanometer, which uses the height of a column of mercury to reflect the circulating pressure (see Non-invasive measurement).

Although many modern vascular pressure devices no longer use mercury, vascular pressure values are still universally reported in millimetres of mercury (mmHg).

The systolic arterial pressure is defined as the peak pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac cycle; the diastolic arterial pressure is the lowest pressure (at the resting phase of the cardiac cycle).

The average pressure throughout the cardiac cycle is reported as mean arterial pressure; the pulse pressure reflects the difference between the maximum and minimum pressures measured.

Typical values for a resting, healthy adult human are approximately 120 mmHg (16 kPa) systolic and 80 mmHg (11 kPa) diastolic (written as 120/80 mmHg, and spoken as "one twenty over eighty") with large individual variations.

These measures of arterial pressure are not static, but undergo natural variations from one heartbeat to another and throughout the day (in a circadian rhythm); they also change in response to stress, nutritional factors, drugs, or disease.

Hypertension refers to arterial pressure being abnormally high, as opposed to hypotension, when it is abnormally low. Along with body temperature, blood pressure measurements are the most commonly measured physiological parameters.

For more information and check out the Hypercet Blood Pressure Formula

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Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

BLG Health-Nail Fungus And You

Nail Fungus

An infection of nail fungus occurs when fungi infect one or more of your nails.

A nail fungal infection may begin as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the nail fungus spreads deeper into your nail, it may cause your nail to discolor, thicken and develop crumbling edges — an unsightly and potentially painful problem.

These infections usually develop on nails continually exposed to warm, moist environments, such as sweaty shoes or shower floors.

Nail fungus isn't the same as athlete's foot, which primarily affects the skin of the feet, but at times the two may coexist and can be caused by the same type of fungus.An infection with nail fungus may be difficult to treat, and infections may recur.

Medications are available to help clear up nail fungus.For more information

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Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

BLG Health-Anti Hairloss Shampoos

Anti-Hair Loss Shampoos

Anti-Hair Loss Shampoos : Rub-a-Dub Dub – But Gently Please

One easy-to-try option is a shampoo specifically designed to increase the health of existing hair and to reduce the rate of hair loss in both men and women. There are several sources to investigate specific shampoos, research studies which can be accessed to determine the effectiveness of many of these products. Good professional sources include dermatologists and licensed cosmeticians who see hair loss conditions frequently and have had the opportunity to observe the efficacy of a variety of shampoos. As well, an Internet “Google” search will provide hundreds of products, complete with testimony and small research studies.

It’s easy to get confused when investigating the hundreds of shampoos available. With some background knowledge of what has shown to be effective in larger, previous studies, however, you can make more intelligent choices about the shampoos you choose for experimentation.

That is the great thing about shampoos – they are relatively inexpensive in this maze of hair loss/regrowth methods, so you can try lots of them without breaking your budget!

1. Surfactants:
People feel good when their shampoos lather up nicely. Lather, however, is just for psychological effect. Somehow we believe that the more lather a shampoo produces, the cleaner our hair must be getting. Hogwash! The ingredient that causes lather is call a surfactant and does not have cleaning properties.
Other ingredients in shampoos actually do the cleaning. Surfactants are, however, pretty harsh, and, for someone who is experiencing more-than-normal hair loss, surfactants should be avoided. There are lots of shampoos out there without it – try some.

2. Herbal Ingredients:
The most notable herb with some success in hair loss difficulty is Saw Palmetto. Shampoos with this ingredient are certainly worth a try. Saw Palmetto seems to inhibit the production of DHT in men, for example, and DHT causes hair follicles to shrink and close up.

Nettle and bay have also been helpful to some people. Shampoos which include these might help you too.

3. Essential Oils:
These oils are concentrated ones which come from plants such as lavender. From ancient times, these have been used to stimulate healthy hair and to decrease the rate of hair loss. We know that we have much to learn from early medicine men and healers. Perhaps this is another example..

Tea Tree Oil: Many swear by this ingredient, and there are several brands of this on the market. So popular are these shampoos, you can find them at most any drug store as well as health product retailers. As an aside, tea tree oil has also been found to be effective in the prevention of head lice infestations.

There are no definitive studies to show that shampoos can actually result in regrowth of hair that is caused by what we all “permanent” conditions, largely the result of heredity and hormones. However, early prevention is important, and experimenting with shampoos during these early stages may provide invaluable help in reducing the rate of loss.

For more information visit BLG

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Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

BLG Health-What is Cholesterol?

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a sterol (a combination steroid and alcohol). Cholesterol is a lipid found in the cell membranes of all tissues, and it is transported in the blood plasma of all animals. Because cholesterol is synthesized by all eukaryotes, trace amounts of cholesterol are also found in membranes of plants and fungi.

The name originates from the Greek chole- (bile) and stereos (solid), and the chemical suffix -ol for an alcohol, as researchers first identified cholesterol in solid form in gallstones by François Poulletier de la Salle in 1769.

However, it is only in 1815 that chemist Eugène Chevreul named the compound "cholesterine".[2]Most of the cholesterol is synthesized by the body and some has dietary origin.

Cholesterol is more abundant in tissues which either synthesize more or have more abundant densely-packed membranes, for example, the liver, spinal cord and brain. It plays a central role in many biochemical processes, such as the composition of cell membranes and the synthesis of steroid hormones. Cholesterol is insoluble in blood, but is transported in the circulatory system bound to one of the varieties of lipoprotein, spherical particles which have an exterior composed mainly of water-soluble proteins.

The main types, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) carry cholesterol from and to the liver.According to the lipid hypothesis, abnormally high cholesterol levels (hypercholesterolemia) and abnormal proportions of LDL and HDL are associated with cardiovascular disease by promoting atheroma development in arteries (atherosclerosis).

This disease process leads to myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke and peripheral vascular disease. As high LDL contributes to this process, it is termed "bad cholesterol", while high levels of HDL ("good cholesterol") offer a degree of protection. The balance can be redressed with exercise, a healthy diet, and sometimes medication.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

BLG Health-Suffering From Joint Pain?

Suffering From Joint Pain?

Joint pain can be caused by any number of things. It can be the result of an injury or overuse of the joint. If your joint pain is caused by arthritis, you will need to begin your search for an effective way to treat it. But, in order to do that, you need to know the symptoms of arthritis. All forms of arthritis share the common symptoms of severe pain, loss of range of motion, and a diminished quality of life. What you will find is that this painful, life altering condition can be found in any individual at any time of their lives. But, there are joint pain treatments that can be effective.

The first thing to do when you have joint pain is to go to a doctor. Symptoms of arthritis include severe pain in the joints and other factors as mentioned above. If your pain is accompanied with fever, the advice of a doctor is urgent because this specific type of arthritis can be deadly. Arthritis can be brought on by any number of things including overuse of the joint, sports, injury, and degeneration of the joints through time. In any case, it is important to relay to your doctor when it was first noticed, any related injuries you may have had, and what types of activities you perform on a regular basis. Your doctor will determine if the pain is arthritis through x-rays and blood tests. Once the doctor knows which type you have, treatments can begin.

For instance, the joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis is a function of the immune system destroying the cartilage in the joints affected. Cartilage is what keeps the bones from grinding against each other. As your immune system eats away at your joint cartilage, pain is brought on by the formation of nerve endings in the affected area. Eventually, the pain is so sever that mobility in those joints is virtually impossible.

But, again, there are treatments that can help or reverse the damage and pain. Your doctor can lead your treatment and some things you might expect could include surgery, pain medication, physical therapy, and even loss of use of the joint. But, there are other forms of medication as well. In fact, one of the most beneficial medications is a simple natural food supplement that is not even medicine at all. It is a natural treatment that is called collagen type II. When taken, this product can stop the pain by stopping the immune system’s battle against your joints. It can then help to repair damage. In some cases, patients saw results within days, in others it took up to a few months. There are no known side effects of this treatment.

No matter what your joint pain is caused from or how you will treat it, the most important thing to remember is that you can find treatment. You can find it in a number of ways, which gives everyone a solution to try. Joint pain can effectively change and ruin your life if you let it. Or, you can fight back and regain your body’s well being.

For more information visit us at NOW!

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Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
NOTE!!! I will probably make money from purchases from recommended sites on this blog, assume that I will profit from recommendations. Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease. This article may be copied but not changed in any way.