Monday, September 28, 2009

BLG Health-Secret Weight Loss Formula

 You need all the help you can get to shed all those extra pounds, right?  Have you heard about water help to loss weight? Some people believe it can, so let's take a look at this theory to see if it holds any merit.

Weight loss is all about consuming fewer calories each day than what you burn up. This sounds simple enough doesn't it? So where does water come into play?

Water contains zero calories so you can literally drink as much water as you like without putting on weight. However, you should realize you can drink more water than is good for you. If you should happen to have a water retention problem; it is best to check with your Doctor before going overboard with your water drinking.

But in contrast to any other beverage, you do not need to think twice before drinking water. In fact it should become a regular part of your day as drinking lots of water assists in overall health and well being too.

Water flushes out your system and is simply the best liquid you can drink. If you are trying to lose weight, then ultimately you should totally eliminate any sugar based drinks from your diet. A good example of these types of drinks would be carbonated soft drinks.

These drinks contain nothing of substance and are full of artificial ingredients, not to mention sugar and calories. If you drink two cans of soda per day, it could be just those extra calories that are causing your weight gain. So substituting these with water can eliminate the cause of your weight gain. How simple is that!

Some people don’t like the taste of water. Water lovers can’t understand this, but it’s a fact. In all likelihood, people who say they don't like water probably have only tried plain unfiltered tap water. Tap water also tastes different depending on where you live and even on a house by house basis. If you‘re a person who dislikes the taste of water based on what comes out of your tap, then try buying spring water.

The taste of spring water even differs by brand, so keep trying them all until you find one you like. Spring water, in some cases, is more pure than tap water and doesn't contain any harmful bacteria. Some of the best quality spring water tastes absolutely delicious, so make sure you find one to your liking.

Back to water help to loss weight; keep in mind that water is never a substitute for food, but it should simply complement your healthy diet. Instead of a soda or sugar fruit juice at dinner, have a glass or two of water. It is also recommended to start the day off with a refreshing glass of water as it gets your brain active.

Drinking water throughout the day also enhances brain function and keeps you alert. You may start noticing that if you don't drink water, for most of the day, you'll suffer from headaches and tiredness.

Water is a wondrous natural substance that all humans need. Water help to loss weight may be the best help you can get, when you are shedding all those extra pounds.

The recommended daily dose is six to eight, eight ounce  glasses per day'

For  more information on weight loss visit BLG Health .com

Presented by Larry Guzda

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

This article may be copied but not changed in any way

Monday, September 14, 2009

BLG Health-Acnezine Solution For Acne

The Acnezine Solution is not just another topical acne treatment product. It is an entire skin care management system that finds the source of your acne and not only heals the blemishes you have, but also treats future outbreaks that you don't even see yet! Most acne products available today only treat blemishes that you already have, without helping your skin prevent more from forming. This can lead to frustrating and costly efforts.

 Acne is caused from imbalances and impurities within the body, and that's why we treat the problem an internal cleansing treatment that goes right to the source and fights acne before it even begins. Acnezine provides antioxidants that can help eliminate the free radicals that may cause mild acne.

Fo more information in Acnezine Solution 
visir BLG Health .com

Presented by Larry Guzda

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

BLG Health -The Healthiest Foods You Can Get

The following is a list of the healthiest foods that
you can get.  This will help you get an idea as
to what foods are the best for your body.


Apricots contain Beta-carotene which helps to
prevent radical damage and also helps to protect
the eyes.  A single apricot contains 17 calories,
0 fat, and one gram of fiber.  You can eat them
dried or soft.

A medium sized mango packs 57 MG of vitamin C,
which is nearly your entire daily dose.  This
antioxidant will help prevent arthritis and also
boost your immune system.

Cantaloupes contain 117 GG of vitamin C, which is
almost twice the recommended dose.  Half a melon
contains 853 MG of potassium, which is nearly
twice as much as a banana, which helps to lower
blood pressure.  Half a melon contains 97 calories,
1 gram of fat, and 2 grams of fiber.

A tomato can help cut the risk of bladder, stomach,
and colon cancers in half if you eat one daily.
A tomaton contains 26 calories, 0 fat, and only
1 gram of fiber.


An onion can help to protect against cancer.  A
cup of onions offers 61 calories, 0 fat, and 3
grams of fiber.

Broccoli can help protect against breast cancer,
and it also contains a lot of vitamin C and beta-
carotene.  One cup of chopped broccoli contains
25 calories, 0 fat, and 3 grams of fiber.

Spinach contains carotenoids that can help fend
off macular degeneration, which is a major cause
of blindness in older people.  One cup contains
7 calories, 0 fat, and 1 gram of fiber.

Grains, beans, and nuts

Peanuts and other nuts can lower your risk of
heart disease by 20 percent.  One ounce contains
166 calories, 14 grams of fat, and over 2 grams of

Pinto beans
A half cut of pinto beans offers more than 25
percent of your daily folate requirement, which
protects you against heart disease.  Half a cup
contains 103 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 6 grams
of fiber.

Skim milk
Skim milk offers vitamin B2, which is important for
good vision and along with Vitamin A could improve
allergies.  You also get calcium and vitamin D as
well.  One cup contains 86 calories, o fat, and 0


All cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel, and
tuna are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids,
which help to reduce the risk of cardiac disease.
A 3 ounce portion of salmon contains 127 calories,
4 grams of fat, and 0 fiber.

Crab is a great source of vitamin B12 and immunity
boosting zinc.  A 3 ounce serving of crab offers
84 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 0 fiber.

Visit  BLG Health .com

Presented by    Larry Guzda

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
This aeticle may be copied but not changed in any way

Friday, September 4, 2009

BLG Health -Chromium as a Cholesterol Supplement

Chromium is an essential trace mineral first
discovered in 1955.

Although our bodies contain only a few milligrams,
even this tiny amount is critical for regulating
insulin and blood sugar levels, as well as activating
enzymes essential for energy production.

We get chromium through food, primarily yeast,
grains, nuts, prunes, potatoes, and seafood. But
we don't get enough overall; and so, many
Americans are deficient in chromium.

One reason is that diets high in refined sugar
leach chromium right out of us. Recent studies
find that supplementing with chromium may not
only lower cholesterol but also help stabilize
blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
Thus, it may be particularly beneficial to people
with metabolic syndrome or diabetes.

What the research shows,: in one small study of
28 people, those taking 200 micrograms of
chromium daily for 42 days had significant
decreases in both total cholesterol and LDL,
decreases that didn't occur when they took
a placebo.

At least eight other studies have found that
chromium supplementation improved cholesterol.
And numerous studies found supplementing
with at least 400 micrograms of chromium
improved fasting glucose levels, a sign of
improved insulin sensitivity.

Be aware that chromium may take several
weeks or even months to yield results.

Who should take it: People with metabolic
syndrome or diabetes, as well as anyone
susceptible to chromium deficiency (including
athletes, the elderly, and people who follow
diets high in refined sugar).

The recommended dose: 200 to 400 micrograms
a day in divided doses for people with insulin
resistance; 400 to 1,000 micrograms a day in
divided doses for people with diabetes.

Use chromium picolinate as your source.

For everyone else the amount in a multivitamin
should be sufficient.

Warnings/contraindications: If you have diabetes,
check with your doctor; taking chromium may
alter your requirements for insulin or other
diabetes medication.

Source: BLG Health  for more information

Presented By Larry Guzda

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.