Citric Acid for Blood Pressure
Our bodies produce a a natural weak organic
acid called citric acid
Citric acid occurs widely in nature and is found
in a variety of plants and in relatively large
quantities in fruits (especially citrus fruits and
berries),in vegetables, leaves, roots and in
animal tissues and fluids such as in milk.
either as the free acid or as citrate ion.
It is also synthesized naturally in the metabolism
of man and animals.
It is an integral part of the Krebs (citric acid)
cycle involving the metabolic conversion of
carbohydrates, fats,and proteins in most living
As part of the Krebs cycle, citric acid,
together with malic acid, are involved with
complex chemical actions, resulting in the
production of carbon dioxide, and its
removal from the cells.
Citric acid is also used as a natural preservative
to maintain freshness of many products, and
serves this role, as well, in the Hypercet BPF.
It is primarily used in foods to produce a tart
taste and complement fruit flavors in carbonated
beverages, beverage powders, fruit-flavored
drinks, jams and jellies, candy, sherbets,
water ices, and wine.
It is also used to reduce pH in certain canned
foods to make heat treatment more effective,
and in conjunction with the stabilization of oils
and nutritional fats, and in vegetable, fruit, fish
and meat preserves.
It easily mixes into liquids, making it a
valuable acid. Citric acid bonds easily to
minerals and metals, a process called chelation
It can help to take certain minerals with citric
acid, since the body will more easily digest
chelated minerals.
For example, some calcium supplements can
come in the form of calcium citrate, and are
better absorbed by the body.
Citric acid, although acid in its fresh form
(lemon and limes) transforms during
metabolism into alkali. This is helpful to
your blood.
Our American diet tends to be overly acidic
from coffee, sodas, alcohol, and certain
An acidic condition tends to be more
inflammatory and but may cause chronic
migraines skin irritation, or vommitting among
other side effects if used in excess.
In summary by being able to easily mix in
the blood stream and its ability to transform
to an alkali, both qualities beneficial to help
regulate your blood pressure it helps more
of the active ingedients be where they can
help reduce blood pressure.
For more information visit: BLG Health
Presented by Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for
informational purposes only. It is not meant to
be a substitute for medical advise. Contact
your physician for diagnoses of all health
related problems as soon as possible.Dietary
supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by
The Food And Drug Administration and are
not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent
any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed in
any way
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
BLG Health-Can A Cactus Plant Be A Magic Bullet For Dieters?
Prickly bush in the Kalahari Desert could be key to weight-loss success
Mon., Oct. 24, 2005
Janet Shamlian

Could a plant from South Africa be the weight-loss secret that could help millions of overweight Americans slim down? NBC News correspondent Janet Shamlian talks about the possible magic pill we've all been waiting for.
It's the look everyone wants — a body to diet for. They're on the beaches, in magazines and all over Hollywood. How far will we go to get one? How about thousands of miles and deep into a distant culture? South Africa’s Kalahari Desert is home to what could be the answer to an appetite.
It's a cactus called hoodia. “You strip off the skin, you strip off the spines, and then you consume it,” says weight loss expert Madelyn Fernstrom.
Eat it and you won't want to eat anything else — a secret bushmen have known for ages and a mystery to the West no more. “Hoodia's actually one of our top selling diet products,” says Anthony Paulmeno of General Nutrition Center.
Nutrition stores are packed with products. But this isn't the fresh plant said to work wonders. It's the dried, powdered and — some say — less effective version.
One of the issues for dieters is that there are so many products with the label hoodia on them, it's hard to know the difference between them, or if they work at all.
“Today” show staffer Jayme Anker is giving it a shot and hoping it suppresses her appetite.
“I am obsessed with it,” says Anker.
Having endured weight loss camp as a child, at 26 she's still waging the war and hoping hoodia will be the weapon that works. “What’s the worst that's going to happen to me?” she says.
It’s an important question. Store brands are not inspected or regulated, and their exact contents are unknown.
Texan Walter Parks bought his bottle on the Internet. “I would say yes, that it is the magic bullet plant,” Parks say. But there are no human studies to prove that.
Fernstrom says, “It's important to say this does need more [research].”
But dieters are hopeful a hunger-busting plant will deliver one of those glorious, how-did-they-get-it bodies that are seemingly everywhere — except in the mirror.
Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
BLG Health -What Is Hoodia Gordonii
On November 21, 2004 CBS correspondent, Lesley
Stahl reported on 60 Minutes that a strange little plant,
Hoodia Gordonii, "... is a natural substance that
literallytakes your appetite away." According to CBS,
"Scientists say that it fools the brain by making you
think you're full, even if you've eaten just a morsel."
Now, word of this amazing plant is spreading like
wildfire across the country and taking the consumer
market by storm. Many are calling the discovery of
Hoodia Gordonii the breakthrough of the decade.
If you missed the 60 Minutes program, the program
described Hoodia as a small, succulent plant that
grows only in the remote region of the South African
Kalahari Desert. There, the indigenous San Bushmen
have eaten the plan for centuries, to stave off hunger
during their long and arduous hunting trips.
This small plant looks like a dill pickle with spines on
it It grows slowly in its harsh environment, and takes
four or five years, or more, before it is ready to
When the world heard the news about a humble
little succulent called Hoodia Gordonii being an
appetite suppressant, the stampede was on.
People all over the world wanted some.
Real Hoodia Gordonii is an endangered species
plant.Consequently,it is RARE AND VERY
EXPENSIVE. In fact, the government of
South Africa will not allow export of Hoodia
without proper documentation.
They only allow certain amounts to leave the
country in order to protect the plant in its natural
There are two certified documents required to
prove the authenticity of pure South African
Hoodia. The U.S. Department of Agriculture
issues the first. It is called Convention in
International Trade of Endangered Species
(C.I.T.E.S.) Certificate. This covers the U.S.
inspection to ensure the product is clean of
weeds and pests, and to verify that the product
is, in fact, Hoodia Gordonii.
The second is the Protected Plant Permit. This
permit is only issued when the South African
government agrees to allow the product to be
shipped out of South Africa to a few selected

We can state, with certainty, that the Hoodia Gordonii
used in Hoodia Gordonii Plus is completely certified.
Our Hoodia is documented to be the true plant used
by the San peoples in South Africa. We're proud to
display our Certificates which prove its' authenticity
This documentation is important to you because there
are so many "hoodia" products on the market now,
which are not the 100% pure plant.
There are over 40 species of Hoodia, and the
Gordonii species is the only one shown to have
appetite suppression qualities. The Kalahari Desert
of southern Africa is the only place in the world
where this special plant will grow.
It does not grow in the deserts of Mexico, or
China, or the Middle East, or even in New
When searching for a Hoodia supplement, make
sure the manufacturer can document the source
of the ingredient.
Be wary of products called "hoodia," which are
actually another species of Hoodia that may only
have weak or altered benefits.
Visit us for more information on Hoodia Gordonii
Presented by Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for informational
purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for
medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses
of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary
supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food
And Drug Administration and are not intended to
diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed in any way.
Stahl reported on 60 Minutes that a strange little plant,
Hoodia Gordonii, "... is a natural substance that
literallytakes your appetite away." According to CBS,
"Scientists say that it fools the brain by making you
think you're full, even if you've eaten just a morsel."
Now, word of this amazing plant is spreading like
wildfire across the country and taking the consumer
market by storm. Many are calling the discovery of
Hoodia Gordonii the breakthrough of the decade.
If you missed the 60 Minutes program, the program
described Hoodia as a small, succulent plant that
grows only in the remote region of the South African
Kalahari Desert. There, the indigenous San Bushmen
have eaten the plan for centuries, to stave off hunger
during their long and arduous hunting trips.
This small plant looks like a dill pickle with spines on
it It grows slowly in its harsh environment, and takes
four or five years, or more, before it is ready to
When the world heard the news about a humble
little succulent called Hoodia Gordonii being an
appetite suppressant, the stampede was on.
People all over the world wanted some.
Real Hoodia Gordonii is an endangered species
plant.Consequently,it is RARE AND VERY
EXPENSIVE. In fact, the government of
South Africa will not allow export of Hoodia
without proper documentation.
They only allow certain amounts to leave the
country in order to protect the plant in its natural
There are two certified documents required to
prove the authenticity of pure South African
Hoodia. The U.S. Department of Agriculture
issues the first. It is called Convention in
International Trade of Endangered Species
(C.I.T.E.S.) Certificate. This covers the U.S.
inspection to ensure the product is clean of
weeds and pests, and to verify that the product
is, in fact, Hoodia Gordonii.
The second is the Protected Plant Permit. This
permit is only issued when the South African
government agrees to allow the product to be
shipped out of South Africa to a few selected
We can state, with certainty, that the Hoodia Gordonii
used in Hoodia Gordonii Plus is completely certified.
Our Hoodia is documented to be the true plant used
by the San peoples in South Africa. We're proud to
display our Certificates which prove its' authenticity
This documentation is important to you because there
are so many "hoodia" products on the market now,
which are not the 100% pure plant.
There are over 40 species of Hoodia, and the
Gordonii species is the only one shown to have
appetite suppression qualities. The Kalahari Desert
of southern Africa is the only place in the world
where this special plant will grow.
It does not grow in the deserts of Mexico, or
China, or the Middle East, or even in New
When searching for a Hoodia supplement, make
sure the manufacturer can document the source
of the ingredient.
Be wary of products called "hoodia," which are
actually another species of Hoodia that may only
have weak or altered benefits.
Visit us for more information on Hoodia Gordonii
Presented by Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for informational
purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for
medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses
of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary
supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food
And Drug Administration and are not intended to
diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed in any way.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
BLG Health-Weight Loss And Glycemic Index
When considering weight loss there are many
factors to be aware of from meal size and caloric
value to exercise and frequency of both, plus
many others. Today we shall look at
glycemic index.
Applying glycemic index. or GI to real-life diets
is complex, weigh all information before relying
on glycemic index.If you check different sources
on the GI of foods, the numbers don't always
match which can sometimes cause confusion.
The glycemic index takes into account only the
type of carbohydrate, not the amount of
carbohydrate, in a usual serving. Some foods
are more concentrated sources of
carbohydrates than others. For example,
chocolate cake has 52 grams of carbohydrate
in a usual serving, while carrots deliver only
6 grams of carbohydrate in a serving. So even
though the glycemic index of carrots is higher
(47, vs. 38 for cake) chocolate cake is going to
have a much greater total effect on blood sugar,
because it takes 81 servings of carrots to equal
the carbohydrate in a serving of cake.
The GI in a given food can vary, depending on
where it is grown and how it is processed and
cooked. For example Australian potatoes have
a higher GI than American potatoes. In general,
the more processed the food, the higher the GI.
Even cooking pasta for a longer time can raise
the GI.
Generally, whole grains have a lower GI than
refined grains. But glycemic index rankings are
often confusing:
Bran flakes and Cheerios have a GI of 74. while
Shredded wheat is 75, and Fruit Loops, 69.
Long-grain white rice averaged 56 in 10 studies
(it ranges between 41 and 64), while brown rice
averaged 55 (50-66).
The average GI of white bread in six studies was
70 and of whole grain bread was 71.
And, ironically, sugars have a lower GI than
starches, because starches are made up totally
of glucose molecules, and sugars are not. So
Coca-Cola has a lower GI than Grape-nuts
Studies that establish the GI of foods measure
the response to a food consumed all by itself. But
most of us don't eat like that. What's important is
predicting the effect of the food as part of a meal.
Experts disagree on the value of the glycemic index.
The American Diabetes Association says that
"the relationship between glycemic index and
glycemic load and the development of type 2
diabetes remains unclear at this time."
The Canadian and Australian Diabetes
Associations have endorsed GI as a tool for
improved blood glucose control. Some dietitians
who work with people with diabetes recommend
that their clients address other diet issues first,
such as total carbohydrate and meal spacing,
then try the GI concept to see if that improves
blood sugars further.
There's no doubt that different foods produce
different glucose responses,but the total
carbohydrate has much more of an effect than
the GI.
If you have hard time using GI diets, a better
approach is to eat close to the farm. Avoid
highly refined foods and focus on lean meats,
beans and legumes, whole grains and fresh
fruits and vegetables.
I hope this helps a little in understanding this
More weight loss information can be found
at BLG Health and Natures Brands
Presented by Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for
informational purposes only. It is not
meant to be a substitute for medical advise.
Contact your physician for diagnoses of all
health related problems as soon as possible.
Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be
evaluated by The Food And Drug
Administration and are not intended to
diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed
in any way.
factors to be aware of from meal size and caloric
value to exercise and frequency of both, plus
many others. Today we shall look at
glycemic index.
Applying glycemic index. or GI to real-life diets
is complex, weigh all information before relying
on glycemic index.If you check different sources
on the GI of foods, the numbers don't always
match which can sometimes cause confusion.
The glycemic index takes into account only the
type of carbohydrate, not the amount of
carbohydrate, in a usual serving. Some foods
are more concentrated sources of
carbohydrates than others. For example,
chocolate cake has 52 grams of carbohydrate
in a usual serving, while carrots deliver only
6 grams of carbohydrate in a serving. So even
though the glycemic index of carrots is higher
(47, vs. 38 for cake) chocolate cake is going to
have a much greater total effect on blood sugar,
because it takes 81 servings of carrots to equal
the carbohydrate in a serving of cake.
The GI in a given food can vary, depending on
where it is grown and how it is processed and
cooked. For example Australian potatoes have
a higher GI than American potatoes. In general,
the more processed the food, the higher the GI.
Even cooking pasta for a longer time can raise
the GI.
Generally, whole grains have a lower GI than
refined grains. But glycemic index rankings are
often confusing:
Bran flakes and Cheerios have a GI of 74. while
Shredded wheat is 75, and Fruit Loops, 69.
Long-grain white rice averaged 56 in 10 studies
(it ranges between 41 and 64), while brown rice
averaged 55 (50-66).
The average GI of white bread in six studies was
70 and of whole grain bread was 71.
And, ironically, sugars have a lower GI than
starches, because starches are made up totally
of glucose molecules, and sugars are not. So
Coca-Cola has a lower GI than Grape-nuts
Studies that establish the GI of foods measure
the response to a food consumed all by itself. But
most of us don't eat like that. What's important is
predicting the effect of the food as part of a meal.
Experts disagree on the value of the glycemic index.
The American Diabetes Association says that
"the relationship between glycemic index and
glycemic load and the development of type 2
diabetes remains unclear at this time."
The Canadian and Australian Diabetes
Associations have endorsed GI as a tool for
improved blood glucose control. Some dietitians
who work with people with diabetes recommend
that their clients address other diet issues first,
such as total carbohydrate and meal spacing,
then try the GI concept to see if that improves
blood sugars further.
There's no doubt that different foods produce
different glucose responses,but the total
carbohydrate has much more of an effect than
the GI.
If you have hard time using GI diets, a better
approach is to eat close to the farm. Avoid
highly refined foods and focus on lean meats,
beans and legumes, whole grains and fresh
fruits and vegetables.
I hope this helps a little in understanding this
More weight loss information can be found
at BLG Health and Natures Brands
Presented by Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for
informational purposes only. It is not
meant to be a substitute for medical advise.
Contact your physician for diagnoses of all
health related problems as soon as possible.
Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be
evaluated by The Food And Drug
Administration and are not intended to
diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed
in any way.
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