A person’s mane is considered his or her
crowing glory. But once a person
experience hair loss, this is no longer the
case. Majority of the people who are
going through this problem cannot help
but feel shame once they pass through
this certain stage.
Many of them try to conceal it using wigs
or many undergo through medical
treatments and process such as
hair transplants in order to bring
back their so-called “crowning
glory.” Although it is quite inevitable
to feel shame once one experiences
hair loss, this should not prevent him or
her to lose self-confidence totally.
Hair loss basics
People—regardless of their age, gender
or status—can experience hair loss due
to several factors. If you are one of those
who are experiencing this problem, it is
a must that you know the basics of hair
loss to give you an idea what to do.
Knowing the basics can help you determine
the status of your condition, can give you
an idea when to seek medical attention,
can help you decide which hair loss
treatments to use and can even help
you prevent it if you are prone to the
One of the misconceptions about hair
loss is that age solely causes it. While it
is true that age primarily causes it because
of the cells that are already giving up,
there are other factors that might cause
it. These include heredity especially if
your family has a long running history of
baldness, taking in certain medications for
a specific condition and an underlying
medical condition that weakens the
person overall system such as
cancer and other terminal illnesses.
A person who is undernourished can
also experience hair loss being he or
she is not getting the right nutrients to
keep the hair grow healthy. People, who
are into switching hairstyles that puts too
much pressure on the scalp, may also
experience hair loss because the
pulling on the hair such as those in
braids or dreadlocks can weaken
the roots of the hair.
Temporary hair loss can also be caused
by too much stress since people don’t
have enough time to take care of their mane.
It can also be caused by pregnancy since
women tend to lose nutrients for themselves
for the growing baby inside. Because of
these causes, it is inevitable that everyone
can be prone to losing their hair.
Aside from the probable causes, the next
thing that you should pay attention to is
the symptoms. Many people experience
the greater effect and burden of hair loss
because they did not pay to much attention
to it when it was just starting.
Experts say that it is common for people to
lose at least 100 strands of their hair
everyday. This is because these strands
are meant to be replaced by new set of
strands over time. People who are losing
more than this estimated number of strands
should worry that they have greater
chances of losing their hair.
People who are losing more than a
hundred strands per day should analyze
what might cause it. Once the cause is
determined, she or he can do some
lifestyle changes to improve on it. If
these modifications in lifestyle did not
work, one should visit a doctor
immediately to know what causes this
abnormal amount of hair loss. Going to
specialist is very important because
aside from telling you what the cause
of the condition is, the doctor will know
what treatment will work for you.
For more information on hair loss
visit BLG Health
Presented by Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for
informational purposes only. It is not meant
to be a substitute for medical advise.
Contact your physician for diagnoses of all
health related problems as soon as possible.
Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be
evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration
and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or
prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed
in any way
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
BLG Health-Hoodia Gordonii Plus
Hoodia Gordonii Plus
Hoodia Gordonii
Now, word of this amazing plant is spreading like wildfire across the country and taking the consumer market by storm. Many are calling the discovery of Hoodia Gordonii the breakthrough of the decade.
Hoodia Gordonii Plus might just be the answer you're looking for. Combined with a sensible food program, exercise routine, and drinking plenty of water, the ingredients in Hoodia Gordonii Plus will help you to regain your slim body easier and faster.
If you weren't hungry all the time, you wouldn't be tempted to snack between meals. You could easily say "No," to second helpings. You would find it easy to push away from the table feeling satisfied.
A great deal of research is being conducted into the effects of satiety (the feeling of being full) on overeating. Hormones circulating through the body convey messages to the brain to indicate hunger of "fullness."
This small plant looks like a dill pickle with spines on it. It grows slowly in its harsh environment, and takes four or five years, or more, before it is ready to harvest.
Because of tremendous worldwide demand for the Hoodia plant, it has become endangered by over-harvesting. Now, certification is required to prove that the product is authentic Hoodia Gordonii.
Real Hoodia Gordonii only grows in the semi-arid desert of South Africa - not in China, or Mexico, or the United States. With Hoodia Gordonii Plus you can be assured of getting the real, organic Hoodia ingredient. That's because our Hoodia is approved by the Western Cape Conservation Authority of South Africa, and is certified to be 100% authentic.
Your Hoodia Gordonii Plus Program gives you a fast and effective weight management system. Place your order now to start re-discovering the real you.
#1 Special E-Book "71 Proven Weight Loss Tips"
#2 Weight Loss Visualization Audio Download
For more information on Hoodia Gordonii Plus visit our website BLG Health.com
Provided by BLG Health.com
Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
BLG HEalth-Weight Loss- Certificates- Common Sense
With Natural Health weight loss plan you
basically have to control your eating, and get
active These are the pillars for success in
Natural Health weight loss.The following has
helped me shed a slow gradual 95 pounds in
four years.
You just have read all that you need to know
about how to prevent being overweight. That
simple set of instructions should be easy
to follow, but not for 35% of Americans who
are unable or unwilling to prevent being
Real Hoodia products can assist you if you
are having difficulty controlling your appetite.
Real Hoodia products ( which are certified as
Real Hoodia See Note Below) assist with
appetite suppression. But be wary of scam
hoodia products A full 80% of Hoodia sold
on the internet have synthetic, very little or
no actual Hoodia at all in them.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture issues
the first certified documents required to prove
the authenticity of pure South African Hoodia.
It is called Convention in International Trade
of Endangered Species (C.I.T.E.S.) Certificate.
This covers the U.S. inspection to ensure the
product is clean of weeds and pests, and to
verify that the product is, in fact, real Hoodia
Gordonii. See BLG Health.com/
(FDA Approved)
The second is the Protected Plant Permit.
This permit is only issued when the South
African government agrees to allow the
product to be shipped out of South Africa
to a few selected ( BLG Health.com/)
Of course, once we are overweight, we
usually want to trim down for a whole lot of
reasons, some related to health, others having
to do with looks.
In addition, it is never too late to lose weight.
But the fact is, it is a whole lot easier to prevent
putting on pounds than to try losing them later on.
just ask me. If there is one thing we all know, it is
that weight gain is likely to happen if we do not
take forward-looking steps to stop it before it
Health experts say that most people who are
into losing weight usually stray. They tend to
go back to their old eating habits even after
they learn to enjoy low-fat eating. They tend to
return to sedentary ways even though they enjoy
But despite the momentum toward weight gain,
you can stop it from happening, experts say.
And there are plenty of good reasons to avoid
excess pounds, reasons that go beyond vanity
or social acceptance. It will take concentrated
In fact, some health experts contend that the
significance of excess weight is more than
cosmetic. They say that it takes a huge toll
on people’s physical health and creates more
problems when other illness appears.
The Way to Losing Weight…Naturally, the
real nuts and bolts of eating right, and
maintaining a healthy weight is not all that
complicated. In fact, it is a good bet that
most people know pretty well what is best.
Hence, losing weight the natural way
should not be a problem at all.
Consequently, a reasonable approach for
losing weight naturally is to stick to a diet
that is high in complex carbohydrates,
high in fiber, moderate in protein, and low
in fat.
A good breakfast to start the day, a bigger
lunch than supper, and healthy food choices
and snacks, with a total of slightly less calories,
than required per day, plus exercise are the
accepted plan.
A complex carbohydrate is a baked potato.
Fat is the sour cream and butter you should
not put on it. Fiber is vegetables. Fat is the
oil you should not fry them in. Protein is a
lean cut of meat. Fat is the gravy you should
not pour over it.
Moreover, health experts say that dietary
fat promotes weight gain because it is a
very dense source of calories. Also, when
you consume excess calories from dietary
fat, you store those calories as body fat
more efficiently than excess calories from
other sources.
On the other hand, it can also help you
lose weight naturally if you will not fall
into the so-called “fat-free” trap.
Manufacturers keep coming out with
low cal,low-fat or fat-free versions
of their best-selling foods, but
Americans keep getting fatter from
them anyway.
One of the greatest delusions of the
1990s was that “no fat” means “non-fattening,”
"low calorie."The truth is, you are often
getting just as many calories and in some
case more calories in these foods ,
compared to the no-fat version, even if the
calories are not coming from fat.
The term fat-free can be an insidious trap
if you start to believe that you can eat any
amount of the foods that are advertised
that way.
What’s more, it is best for you to respond
to hunger with really healthful snacks. Health
experts say it would be better to try eating
small healthy portions, every three to four
hours, which may mean a real nutritious
low-fat snack between lunch and dinner.
When you feel the urge for food coming on,
have a glass of water and try to stall the urge
to eat for 10 to 15 minutes. If this doesn't
do the trick, snacking on something healthy
such as a piece of fruit or a slice of plain
whole-grain toasted bread is a better
alternative. Never skip a meal, and do not
eat junk calorie laden snacks instead,
because that is the worst thing you can do
if you are trying to control your eating habits
and weight.
Remember, if you want to lose weight
naturally, you have to keep track of every
food you eat and of every activity that you do.
When you say natural weight loss means that
you do not necessarily have to use some
accessories or helpful aids just to lose weight,
but I found real hoodia products may help
you in appetite suppression, like they did for
Losing weight naturally is a process and not
a fad. Hence, it will take a lot of dogged
determination, self-control, and discipline just
to achieve your ideal weight.
Presented by Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for
informational purposes only. It is not meant to
be a substitute for medical advise. Contact
your physician for diagnoses of all health
related problems as soon as possible.
Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be
evaluated by The Food And Drug
Administration and are not intended to
diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed in
any way
basically have to control your eating, and get
active These are the pillars for success in
Natural Health weight loss.The following has
helped me shed a slow gradual 95 pounds in
four years.
You just have read all that you need to know
about how to prevent being overweight. That
simple set of instructions should be easy
to follow, but not for 35% of Americans who
are unable or unwilling to prevent being
Real Hoodia products can assist you if you
are having difficulty controlling your appetite.
Real Hoodia products ( which are certified as
Real Hoodia See Note Below) assist with
appetite suppression. But be wary of scam
hoodia products A full 80% of Hoodia sold
on the internet have synthetic, very little or
no actual Hoodia at all in them.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture issues
the first certified documents required to prove
the authenticity of pure South African Hoodia.
It is called Convention in International Trade
of Endangered Species (C.I.T.E.S.) Certificate.
This covers the U.S. inspection to ensure the
product is clean of weeds and pests, and to
verify that the product is, in fact, real Hoodia
Gordonii. See BLG Health.com/
(FDA Approved)
The second is the Protected Plant Permit.
This permit is only issued when the South
African government agrees to allow the
product to be shipped out of South Africa
to a few selected ( BLG Health.com/)
Of course, once we are overweight, we
usually want to trim down for a whole lot of
reasons, some related to health, others having
to do with looks.
In addition, it is never too late to lose weight.
But the fact is, it is a whole lot easier to prevent
putting on pounds than to try losing them later on.
just ask me. If there is one thing we all know, it is
that weight gain is likely to happen if we do not
take forward-looking steps to stop it before it
Health experts say that most people who are
into losing weight usually stray. They tend to
go back to their old eating habits even after
they learn to enjoy low-fat eating. They tend to
return to sedentary ways even though they enjoy
But despite the momentum toward weight gain,
you can stop it from happening, experts say.
And there are plenty of good reasons to avoid
excess pounds, reasons that go beyond vanity
or social acceptance. It will take concentrated
In fact, some health experts contend that the
significance of excess weight is more than
cosmetic. They say that it takes a huge toll
on people’s physical health and creates more
problems when other illness appears.
The Way to Losing Weight…Naturally, the
real nuts and bolts of eating right, and
maintaining a healthy weight is not all that
complicated. In fact, it is a good bet that
most people know pretty well what is best.
Hence, losing weight the natural way
should not be a problem at all.
Consequently, a reasonable approach for
losing weight naturally is to stick to a diet
that is high in complex carbohydrates,
high in fiber, moderate in protein, and low
in fat.
A good breakfast to start the day, a bigger
lunch than supper, and healthy food choices
and snacks, with a total of slightly less calories,
than required per day, plus exercise are the
accepted plan.
A complex carbohydrate is a baked potato.
Fat is the sour cream and butter you should
not put on it. Fiber is vegetables. Fat is the
oil you should not fry them in. Protein is a
lean cut of meat. Fat is the gravy you should
not pour over it.
Moreover, health experts say that dietary
fat promotes weight gain because it is a
very dense source of calories. Also, when
you consume excess calories from dietary
fat, you store those calories as body fat
more efficiently than excess calories from
other sources.
On the other hand, it can also help you
lose weight naturally if you will not fall
into the so-called “fat-free” trap.
Manufacturers keep coming out with
low cal,low-fat or fat-free versions
of their best-selling foods, but
Americans keep getting fatter from
them anyway.
One of the greatest delusions of the
1990s was that “no fat” means “non-fattening,”
"low calorie."The truth is, you are often
getting just as many calories and in some
case more calories in these foods ,
compared to the no-fat version, even if the
calories are not coming from fat.
The term fat-free can be an insidious trap
if you start to believe that you can eat any
amount of the foods that are advertised
that way.
What’s more, it is best for you to respond
to hunger with really healthful snacks. Health
experts say it would be better to try eating
small healthy portions, every three to four
hours, which may mean a real nutritious
low-fat snack between lunch and dinner.
When you feel the urge for food coming on,
have a glass of water and try to stall the urge
to eat for 10 to 15 minutes. If this doesn't
do the trick, snacking on something healthy
such as a piece of fruit or a slice of plain
whole-grain toasted bread is a better
alternative. Never skip a meal, and do not
eat junk calorie laden snacks instead,
because that is the worst thing you can do
if you are trying to control your eating habits
and weight.
Remember, if you want to lose weight
naturally, you have to keep track of every
food you eat and of every activity that you do.
When you say natural weight loss means that
you do not necessarily have to use some
accessories or helpful aids just to lose weight,
but I found real hoodia products may help
you in appetite suppression, like they did for
Losing weight naturally is a process and not
a fad. Hence, it will take a lot of dogged
determination, self-control, and discipline just
to achieve your ideal weight.
Presented by Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for
informational purposes only. It is not meant to
be a substitute for medical advise. Contact
your physician for diagnoses of all health
related problems as soon as possible.
Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be
evaluated by The Food And Drug
Administration and are not intended to
diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed in
any way
Monday, June 1, 2009
BLG Health-Best Products for Hair Loss
Best Products for Hair Loss: My Sink is Full of Hair – Give Me Something!
Heredity, hormones, stress, diet, illness, poor hair
care – all are factors in hair loss. Stress, diet and
illness are more temporary conditions and usually
the hair loss is reversed when the anxiety-
producing conditions dissipate, when the diet
is improved, when hair care improves and when
an illness is cured or gotten under control
.Heredity and hormones are different matters,
however. Heredity is an irreversible condition. You
are a product of your parents, and hair loss is
often inherited. Hormones are tricky, hidden
things, however, and they have different effects
on an individual basis. In a male, testosterone
abides abundantly. There are also enzymes
working on testosterone which product a
substance called DHT. DHT is now known to
circulate in the blood and cause other conditions,
one of which is the shrinking of hair follicles. When
hair follicles shrink enough, they are unable to
produce and push a new hair through. As old
hair dies, it is then not replaced.
In women, hormonal imbalances can also cause
hair loss. Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause
all cause significant hormonal change and
imbalances with both physical and mental effects. These changes can also cause hair loss, both temporary and permanent.Hair loss and re-growth products have
been around for centuries. In ancient times, a
variety of herbal and oil-based remedies were
concocted and used by Egyptians, Aztecs,
Mayans, and American Indians, all with some
degree of effectiveness for some people.Modern
medical research has focused on ways to
re-open and stimulate “dead” hair follicles, so
that hair growth can re-occur naturally, as well
as keep the healthy follicles healthy. Thus, a number
of products have become available, both by prescription and over-the-counter. They are advertised on radio and television and all over the Internet. One need
only do a “google” search on hair loss, and there are literally thousands of sites and products for investigation.One ingredient in many hair loss
products is minoxidil. Research studies have
shown that in about 80% of the participants, products containing this ingredient are effective in slowing hair loss and, in some, causing regrowth to occur.
Probably the most well known is Rogaine,
available at any drug store, in varieties for both
men and women. Most scientifically-produced
products do have separate products for males
and females, because, of course, hormones in
each are different and of different levels.
An additional product containing minoxidil is
Provillus, and, again, studies have shown it to
be effective. The difference between Provillus
and other similar products is that the makes have
added Azelaic Acid, an additional ingredient
which appears to enhance the follicle repair in
both men and women. Provillus has been the
subject of many studies, just as the other
products, and level of effectiveness may be
Provillus is available for both men and women,
and the treatment is a combination of a topical
liquid applied to the balding areas, as well as a
pill or capsule to be taken in conjunction with
the liquid. The critical key to effectiveness,
according to its makers, is the addition of the
azelaic acid, however, the correct amount of
this acid is most important piece of this treatment.
As with most hair loss products, the makers
recommend patience. It may take from 3-6
months for improvement to occur, however,
there is a money-back guarantee up to 180
days if one is not satisfied that it is working
for him/her.Medical research is far from
finished in its exploration of products which
will stop hair loss and promote regrowth of
“permanent” loss.
As this research continues, existing producers
will undoubtedly alter their products accordingly.
Fortunately, a lot of money is being poured
into the research, so hair loss sufferers, take
For more information visit: BLG Health
Presented By Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for
informational purposes only. It is not meant to
be a substitute for medical advise. Contact
your physician for diagnoses of all health
related problems as soon as possible.Dietary
supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by
The Food And Drug Administration and are
not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or
prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed in
any way
Heredity, hormones, stress, diet, illness, poor hair
care – all are factors in hair loss. Stress, diet and
illness are more temporary conditions and usually
the hair loss is reversed when the anxiety-
producing conditions dissipate, when the diet
is improved, when hair care improves and when
an illness is cured or gotten under control
.Heredity and hormones are different matters,
however. Heredity is an irreversible condition. You
are a product of your parents, and hair loss is
often inherited. Hormones are tricky, hidden
things, however, and they have different effects
on an individual basis. In a male, testosterone
abides abundantly. There are also enzymes
working on testosterone which product a
substance called DHT. DHT is now known to
circulate in the blood and cause other conditions,
one of which is the shrinking of hair follicles. When
hair follicles shrink enough, they are unable to
produce and push a new hair through. As old
hair dies, it is then not replaced.
In women, hormonal imbalances can also cause
hair loss. Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause
all cause significant hormonal change and
imbalances with both physical and mental effects. These changes can also cause hair loss, both temporary and permanent.Hair loss and re-growth products have
been around for centuries. In ancient times, a
variety of herbal and oil-based remedies were
concocted and used by Egyptians, Aztecs,
Mayans, and American Indians, all with some
degree of effectiveness for some people.Modern
medical research has focused on ways to
re-open and stimulate “dead” hair follicles, so
that hair growth can re-occur naturally, as well
as keep the healthy follicles healthy. Thus, a number
of products have become available, both by prescription and over-the-counter. They are advertised on radio and television and all over the Internet. One need
only do a “google” search on hair loss, and there are literally thousands of sites and products for investigation.One ingredient in many hair loss
products is minoxidil. Research studies have
shown that in about 80% of the participants, products containing this ingredient are effective in slowing hair loss and, in some, causing regrowth to occur.
Probably the most well known is Rogaine,
available at any drug store, in varieties for both
men and women. Most scientifically-produced
products do have separate products for males
and females, because, of course, hormones in
each are different and of different levels.
An additional product containing minoxidil is
Provillus, and, again, studies have shown it to
be effective. The difference between Provillus
and other similar products is that the makes have
added Azelaic Acid, an additional ingredient
which appears to enhance the follicle repair in
both men and women. Provillus has been the
subject of many studies, just as the other
products, and level of effectiveness may be
Provillus is available for both men and women,
and the treatment is a combination of a topical
liquid applied to the balding areas, as well as a
pill or capsule to be taken in conjunction with
the liquid. The critical key to effectiveness,
according to its makers, is the addition of the
azelaic acid, however, the correct amount of
this acid is most important piece of this treatment.
As with most hair loss products, the makers
recommend patience. It may take from 3-6
months for improvement to occur, however,
there is a money-back guarantee up to 180
days if one is not satisfied that it is working
for him/her.Medical research is far from
finished in its exploration of products which
will stop hair loss and promote regrowth of
“permanent” loss.
As this research continues, existing producers
will undoubtedly alter their products accordingly.
Fortunately, a lot of money is being poured
into the research, so hair loss sufferers, take
For more information visit: BLG Health
Presented By Larry Guzda
Information on this page is provided for
informational purposes only. It is not meant to
be a substitute for medical advise. Contact
your physician for diagnoses of all health
related problems as soon as possible.Dietary
supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by
The Food And Drug Administration and are
not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or
prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changed in
any way
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