Friday, August 28, 2009

BLG Health -Fight Stress With Eating Healthy

Whenever we get too busy or stressed, we all tend
to make poor food choices that will actually
increase stress and cause other problems.  To get
the most of your healthy eating and avoid stress,
follow these simple tips.

Always eat breakfast
Even though you may think you aren't hungry,
you need to eat something.  Skipping breakfast
makes it harder to maintain the proper blood and
sugar levels during the day, so you should always
eat something.

Carry a snack
Keeping some protein rich snacks in your car,
office, or pocket book will help you avoid blood
sugar level dips, the accompanying mood swings, and
the fatigue.  Trail mix, granola bars, and energy
bars all have the nutrients you need.

Healthy munchies
If you like to munch when you're stressed out,
you can replace chips or other non healthy foods
with carrot sticks, celery sticks, or even
sunflower seeds.

Bring your lunch
Although a lot of people prefer to eat fast food
for lunch, you can save a lot of money and actually
eat healthier if you take a few minutes and pack
a lunch at home.  Even if you only do this a few
times a week, you'll see a much better improvement
over eating out.

Stock your home
As important as it is to get the bad food out of
your house, it's even more important to get the good
food in!  The best way to do this is to plan a menu
of healthy meals at snacks at the beginning of the
week, list the ingedients you need, then go shop
for it.  This way, you'll know what you want when
you need it and you won't have to stress over what
to eat.

For more information on a Healthy Lifestyle
visit  BLG

Presented by Larry Guzda

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
This article  may be copied but not changed in any way

Friday, August 14, 2009

BLG Health -Boost Your Self-Confidence Despite Hair Loss

Many people are confident in handling themselves in front of other people because they are satisfied with the way they look. But for people who are experiencing hair loss, being confident in front of others can be a difficult thing. This is because they cannot help but think that the people they are dealing with only focus on their falling crown of glory and not on what they are saying.

While it’s true that hair loss can greatly affect one’s overall physical appearance, this is not enough reason to lose self-confidence totally. If you are one of those persons who are slowly losing their self-confidence due to hair loss, one of the best things that can be done is learning how to cope with it.

Coping with hair loss can start with the acceptance that you might really be suffering from a condition that is really our of your control. Experts say that baldness or hair loss can be categorized into two—permanent hair loss and temporary hair loss. People who are suffering from permanent hair loss are those who have the condition in their genes. Since it is hereditary, one cannot really do so much about it but to learn how to accept it, and try to seek for alternative remedies that can slower the pace of losing hair. Other conditions where one cannot really do something about hair loss is if they are suffering from autoimmune illnesses such as cancer, thyroid complications or lupus. People who have to undergo treatments are also in greater risks of losing hair fast.

People who are suffering temporary hair loss are those who undergo hormonal changes such as pregnancy in women or taking in birth control pills as well as those who put to much pressure on their scalp by changing hairstyles often or those that are using hair products that are harmful to the hair.

Knowing the cause of your hair loss can help you cope with it easier. Of course, you cannot determine this on your own so you have to visit your doctor to address your concern. Once he or she had the final diagnosis, you can now ask for available treatment or options that will work for you.

Tips to be more confident

People who are losing their hair can still look good despite their condition. Since not so much can be done about their hair, they should try focusing on other aspects of their body and personality to look beautiful and be confident in facing others. The following are some beauty tips and regiments that can be done to boost beauty and self-confidence despite hair loss.

1. Maximize the potentials of make-up.

For women, make-up greatly affects their overall appearance. If you are losing your hair, try to get your confidence from your beautiful face with the aid of some cosmetics.  To do this, knowledge in the proper use and application of eyeliner, eye shadows, lipsticks, blush ons and foundations is a must to help you flatter your features and enhance your overall aura if done properly.

2. Take good care of your skin.

Since the skin is the largest organ of the body, having radiant and youthful skis despite hair loss can make a lot of difference. To achieve good skin and fair complexion, make it a habit to use sunscreen to protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun, avoid smoking, get enough rest and proper nutrition, learn to relax to avoid too much stress, and get regular exercise.

For more information on hair loss
visit  BLG

Presented by Larry Guzda

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.

Monday, August 10, 2009

BLG Health - Healthy Fat Intake

This information is aimed at helping you to
reduce your fat intake.  The average individual
eats too much fat, a factor that's linked to
a variety of health problems, including cancer.
Diets that are high in fat are associated with
breast and colon cancer, with some studies
linking high fat to prostate cancer as well.

A majority of people can bring their fat intakes
down to a healthy range by making a few
adjustments in the way they shop, cook, and
prepare the foods they eat.

Now days, it's getting easier and easier to control
the amount of fat you consume.  The fat content of
foods are now available through the nutrition label
and through brochures distributed by food
companies and even fast food restaurants.

You can use this information on nutrition to
choose lower fat foods by comparing products
and food brands.  Once you have a rough
idea of what a healthy intake of fat is,
you'll know what you can and what
you can't have.

From day to day, the amount of fat you eat will
vary.  Some meals and some days will be higher
in  fat than others.  Even high fat meals can be
kept in line with healthy eating as long as you
balance those days accordingly.  The average
fat intake over the course of weeks and months
is important, not the fat intake of every meal
and food you consume.

Younger adults and high active adults who have
higher calorie needs can probably eat a little more
fat.  Older adults and those that aren't very active
should aim for a lower fat intake.  This way, you
can control your fat intake and avoid the many
problems that fat is associated with.

Visit BLG

Presented by Larry Guzda

Information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact your physician for diagnoses of all health related problems as soon as possible.Dietary supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
This article may be copied but not changrd in any way

Monday, August 3, 2009

BLG Health -Facing Acne: How to Cope With its Effects

As we are all aware of, there are emotional
effects caused by acne. More than those
obvious red bumps on your face, there are
effects of acne that could not just be healed
by any cream or acne solution and that is the
emotional scars left by acne. Well, no doctor
or any expert dermatologist could provide
you with the best answers to this problem
on acne.

According to studies, acne is very common
when one is on his teenage years. For
teenagers experiencing the pains of acne, it
is very difficult to face the social impacts of
acne. There are these marks of shame,
depression and even self-pity. As a parent
of a teenager who faces this problem, you
could be one of the greatest helps. What
could you do? You could do a lot.

Remind your child that acne is temporary.

As a guardian, you need to be there and
give the encouragement to your child. You
would probably see him or her so down
due to the way people and criticisms pinch
him or her. Tell that it will not last for long
and that it would be successfully surpassed.

Never stop to explain the importance of
moving on despite the negative reactions
from others for their words are not that
important at all.

Bring your teen to a good dermatologist
Do not wait for your teen’s acne problem
to get worse before you go and see a
dermatologist. The earlier the better, this
may be cliché but very true for this matter
and you could realize the truth behind this.

You need to find the dermatologist who
deserves your trust. Be with your teen
as you have visits to the dermatologist.

Also, help your teen follow the reminders
and instructions of the dermatologist.
Guide your child to do the right things

There are some things or acts that may
worsen acne. See to it that you are near
your teen to remind that those are not the
right thing to do and it would just cause
bad effects. Explain the cause and effect
of acne problems and be sure t answer
questions that your teen has.

Boost your teen’s self-confidence
Self-confidence plunges down when
all those mocks and teases arise. The effect
to your teen would be bitter. Be there to
boost the esteem he or she has inside. Be
generous with praises but do not use
them just to flatter. Tell your teen about
how wonderful his or her talent is. This
would be a lift to his/her morale.

For more information visit  BLG Health

Presented By Larry Guzda

Information on this page is provided for
informational purposes only. It is not meant
to be a substitute for medical advise. Contact
your physician for diagnoses of all health
related problems as soon as possible.Dietary
supplements HAVE NOT be evaluated by
The Food And Drug Administration and
are not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or
prevent any disease.

This article may be copied but not changed
in any way